Determine Source Code Size and Complexity with SCC

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I came across a pretty cool tool I wanted to share called Sloc, Cloc and Code or rather, SCC. It describes itself as: “scc is a very fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations and COCOMO estimates written in pure Go”.

I’m working on a project with a very old codebase. I knew there was going to be a lot of code, but I wanted to better understand what I was working with. scc allows me to see each programming language that the code uses, number of lines, comments, files, etc. It’s a very fast and useful tool.

Here’s what it looks like and how to install and use it.


scc is written in Go by Ben Boyter. The project’s GitHub repository can be found here.

To show you what scc can do, I ran it on the source code for the CircleCI CLI:

~/R/C/circleci-cli (master|✔) $ scc .
Language                 Files     Lines     Code  Comments   Blanks Complexity
Go                          48     10312     8246       345     1721        701
YAML                        40      1405     1343        15       47          0
JSON                        14      1207     1205         0        2          0
Markdown                     7       400      246         0      154          0
Shell                        4       129       70        28       31          2
License                      3       234      196         0       38          0
Dockerfile                   1         3        2         0        1          0
Makefile                     1        53       41         0       12          1
gitignore                    1        23       17         3        3          0
Total                      119     13766    11366       391     2009        704
Estimated Cost to Develop $346,723
Estimated Schedule Effort 10.258514 months
Estimated People Required 4.003627

Pretty cool right? For the work it has to do, it’s pretty damn fast and supports over 200 languages. Try it out!

Install SCC

Linux Snap (Snapcraft)

The easiest way to use scc on Linux is via a Linux Snap which I have created myself. Not familiar with Snaps?

Get it from the Snap Store


sudo snap install scc

macOS, Windows, and Linux

scc has binaries available on their GitHub Releases page.


scc is written in Go and licensed under the MIT license as well as the Unlicense. The repository can be found here.

The scc snap is licensed under the MIT license and the repository can be found here.

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